Non-stop flights Frankfurt to Dusseldorf (FRA QDU)

There are 18 flights (20 including codeshare flights) available between Frankfurt and Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf Central Station on 8th May, 2024. Average flight duration is 1 hours 18 minutes.

Flights departing on Wednesday, 8th May

Departure time Arrival time Flight number Airline
07:22 (7:22 am) 08:40 (8:40 am) EY1246 Etihad Airways
07:22 (7:22 am) 08:40 (8:40 am) QR6444 Qatar Airways
08:21 (8:21 am) 09:36 (9:36 am) CI8732 China Airlines
08:41 (8:41 am) 10:05 (10:05 am) LH3502 Lufthansa
09:21 (9:21 am) 10:40 (10:40 am) CI8726 China Airlines
10:22 (10:22 am) 11:36 (11:36 am) LH3506 Lufthansa
12:23 (12:23 pm) 13:36 (1:36 pm) LH3510 Lufthansa
13:21 (1:21 pm) 14:39 (2:39 pm) QR5647 Qatar Airways
14:22 (2:22 pm) 15:36 (3:36 pm) LH3514 Lufthansa
15:22 (3:22 pm) 16:39 (4:39 pm) LH3516 Lufthansa
16:22 (4:22 pm) 17:36 (5:36 pm) LH3518 Lufthansa
17:22 (5:22 pm) 18:35 (6:35 pm) LH3520 Lufthansa
18:21 (6:21 pm) 19:44 (7:44 pm) EY1282 Etihad Airways
19:21 (7:21 pm) 20:48 (8:48 pm) EY1281 Etihad Airways
20:23 (8:23 pm) 21:36 (9:36 pm) LH3526 Lufthansa
20:41 (8:41 pm) 21:52 (9:52 pm) LH3528 Lufthansa
21:07 (9:07 pm) 22:33 (10:33 pm) EY1296 Etihad Airways
21:07 (9:07 pm) 22:33 (10:33 pm) QR6483 Qatar Airways
21:22 (9:22 pm) 22:37 (10:37 pm) LH3530 Lufthansa
22:06 (10:06 pm) 23:35 (11:35 pm) QR5591 Qatar Airways
Flight route from Frankfurt (Germany) to Dusseldorf (Germany)

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See also

Return flights (Dusseldorf to Frankfurt)

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