Non-stop flights Seoul to Manila (ICN MNL)

There are ten flights (11 including codeshare flights) available between Seoul, Incheon and Manila, Ninoy Aquino on 1st May, 2024. Average flight duration is 4 hours 14 minutes.

Flights departing on Wednesday, 1st May

Departure time Arrival time Flight number Airline
00:45 (0:45 am) 04:00 (4:00 am) 5J187 Cebu Pacific
07:50 (7:50 am) 10:55 (10:55 am) OZ701 Asiana Airlines
07:50 (7:50 am) 10:55 (10:55 am) KE621 Korean Air
08:10 (8:10 am) 11:15 (11:15 am) PR467 Philippine Airlines
08:50 (8:50 am) 12:05 (12:05 pm) 5J185 Cebu Pacific
12:55 (12:55 pm) 16:10 (4:10 pm) Z2885 Philippines AirAsia
18:45 (6:45 pm) 22:05 (10:05 pm) KE623 Korean Air
19:10 (7:10 pm) 22:20 (10:20 pm) 7C2305 Jeju Air
19:15 (7:15 pm) 22:35 (10:35 pm) OZ703 Asiana Airlines
20:15 (8:15 pm) 23:59 (11:59 pm) KE625 Korean Air
20:25 (8:25 pm) 23:30 (11:30 pm) PR469 Philippine Airlines
Flight route from Seoul (Korea) to Manila (Philippines)

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See also

Return flights (Manila to Seoul)

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