Non-stop flights Los Angeles to San Jose (LAX SJC)

There are 11 flights available between Los Angeles and San Jose, Norman Y. Mineta on 11th May, 2024. Average flight duration is 1 hours 16 minutes.

Flights departing on Saturday, 11th May

Departure time Arrival time Flight number Airline
07:00 (7:00 am) 08:17 (8:17 am) DL4123 Delta
08:20 (8:20 am) 09:39 (9:39 am) AS3438 Alaska Airlines
09:15 (9:15 am) 10:32 (10:32 am) DL3883 Delta
11:10 (11:10 am) 12:25 (12:25 pm) WN887 Southwest Airlines
12:35 (12:35 pm) 13:54 (1:54 pm) AS3485 Alaska Airlines
14:10 (2:10 pm) 15:25 (3:25 pm) WN1459 Southwest Airlines
15:00 (3:00 pm) 16:15 (4:15 pm) DL3999 Delta
17:45 (5:45 pm) 19:07 (7:07 pm) TN1263 Air Tahiti Nui
17:59 (5:59 pm) 19:14 (7:14 pm) DL4163 Delta
20:10 (8:10 pm) 21:20 (9:20 pm) WN3494 Southwest Airlines
21:00 (9:00 pm) 22:14 (10:14 pm) DL4041 Delta
Flight route from Los Angeles (United States) to San Jose (United States)

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See also

Return flights (San Jose to Los Angeles)

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