Non-stop flights Madrid to Malaga (MAD AGP)

There are seven flights (12 including codeshare flights) available between Madrid, Madrid Barajas and Malaga, Mlaga on 5th May, 2024. Average flight duration is 1 hours 15 minutes.

Flights departing on Sunday, 5th May

Departure time Arrival time Flight number Airline
06:35 (6:35 am) 07:50 (7:50 am) UX5035 Air Europa
07:15 (7:15 am) 08:30 (8:30 am) IB3866 Iberia
10:35 (10:35 am) 11:50 (11:50 am) UX5043 Air Europa
11:25 (11:25 am) 12:40 (12:40 pm) AA8806 American Airlines
11:25 (11:25 am) 12:40 (12:40 pm) AV6102 Avianca
11:25 (11:25 am) 12:40 (12:40 pm) CX1899 Cathay Pacific
11:25 (11:25 am) 12:40 (12:40 pm) IB3870 Iberia
11:25 (11:25 am) 12:40 (12:40 pm) I23870 Iberia Express
11:25 (11:25 am) 12:40 (12:40 pm) VY5439 Vueling Airlines
15:00 (3:00 pm) 16:15 (4:15 pm) UX5039 Air Europa
15:45 (3:45 pm) 17:05 (5:05 pm) IB3864 Iberia
19:05 (7:05 pm) 20:20 (8:20 pm) UX5047 Air Europa
Flight route from Madrid (Spain) to Malaga (Spain)

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See also

Return flights (Malaga to Madrid)

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