Non-stop flights Sylhet to Dhaka (ZYL DAC)

There are 16 flights available between Sylhet, Osmani and Dhaka, Zia on 8th May, 2024. Average flight duration is 0 hours 50 minutes.

Flights departing on Wednesday, 8th May

Departure time Arrival time Flight number Airline
08:20 (8:20 am) 09:10 (9:10 am) BS532 US-Bangla Airlines
08:40 (8:40 am) 09:30 (9:30 am) VQ982 Novoair
08:45 (8:45 am) 09:30 (9:30 am) BG252 Biman Bangladesh Airlines
11:20 (11:20 am) 12:10 (12:10 pm) BS534 US-Bangla Airlines
12:00 (12:00 pm) 12:50 (12:50 pm) 2A432 Air Astra
12:15 (12:15 pm) 13:10 (1:10 pm) BG602 Biman Bangladesh Airlines
13:10 (1:10 pm) 13:50 (1:50 pm) BG208 Biman Bangladesh Airlines
14:20 (2:20 pm) 15:10 (3:10 pm) BS536 US-Bangla Airlines
16:25 (4:25 pm) 17:20 (5:20 pm) BG604 Biman Bangladesh Airlines
17:00 (5:00 pm) 17:50 (5:50 pm) BS538 US-Bangla Airlines
17:20 (5:20 pm) 18:10 (6:10 pm) VQ986 Novoair
17:30 (5:30 pm) 18:20 (6:20 pm) 2A434 Air Astra
20:55 (8:55 pm) 21:50 (9:50 pm) BG606 Biman Bangladesh Airlines
21:00 (9:00 pm) 21:50 (9:50 pm) BS540 US-Bangla Airlines
21:40 (9:40 pm) 22:30 (10:30 pm) 2A436 Air Astra
21:45 (9:45 pm) 22:35 (10:35 pm) VQ988 Novoair
Flight route from Sylhet (Bangladesh) to Dhaka (Bangladesh)

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See also

Return flights (Dhaka to Sylhet)

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