Flights from Zurich to Saint-Pierre (ZRH to FSP)

There is one flight connection option available between Zurich and Saint-Pierre on Friday, 26th July.

Flights departing on Friday, 26th July

# Stops Duration Departure time Arrival time
Option #1 Montreal, Canada 35h 05 min 12:40 (12:40 pm)
26th Jul
19:45 (7:45 pm)
27th Jul

Option #1

Flight Zurich - Montreal

Swiss International Air Lines international flight LX86 leaves Zurich at 12:40 (12:40 pm) and lands in Montreal (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) at 15:00 (3:00 pm). Flight duration is 8 hours 20 minutes.

Connection in Montreal

Connection time in Montreal, Pierre Elliott Trudeau airport is 24 hours and 0 minutes (from 15:00 / 3:00 pm, 26th Jul to 15:00 / 3:00 pm, 27th Jul).

Flight Montreal - Saint-Pierre

Air Saint-Pierre international flight PJ1124 leaves Montreal (Pierre Elliott Trudeau) at 15:00 (3:00 pm) and lands in Saint-Pierre at 19:45 (7:45 pm). Flight duration is 2 hours 45 minutes.

Available departure days

Select departure date to find flight connections between Zurich and Saint-Pierre. Note that other flight options may be available for different date.

See also

Return flights (Saint-Pierre to Zurich)

More flight connections

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