Flights from Zurich to Bregenz (ZRH to XGZ)

There are seven flight connection options available between Zurich and Bregenz, Railway station on Saturday, 27th July.

Flights departing on Saturday, 27th July

# Stops Duration Departure time Arrival time
Option #1   1h 15 min 17:43 (5:43 pm)
27th Jul
18:58 (6:58 pm)
27th Jul
Option #2   1h 17 min 15:43 (3:43 pm)
27th Jul
17:00 (5:00 pm)
27th Jul
Option #3   1h 17 min 19:43 (7:43 pm)
27th Jul
21:00 (9:00 pm)
27th Jul
Option #4   1h 17 min 13:43 (1:43 pm)
27th Jul
15:00 (3:00 pm)
27th Jul
Option #5   1h 17 min 11:43 (11:43 am)
27th Jul
13:00 (1:00 pm)
27th Jul
Option #6   1h 17 min 09:43 (9:43 am)
27th Jul
11:00 (11:00 am)
27th Jul
Option #7   1h 17 min 07:43 (7:43 am)
27th Jul
09:00 (9:00 am)
27th Jul

Option #1

Flight Zurich - Bregenz

Swiss International Air Lines international flight LX9108 leaves Zurich at 17:43 (5:43 pm) and lands in Bregenz (Railway station) at 18:58 (6:58 pm). Flight duration is 1 hours 15 minutes. The same physical flight is marketed by other airlines: Lufthansa LH3580.

Option #2

Flight Zurich - Bregenz

Swiss International Air Lines international flight LX9112 leaves Zurich at 15:43 (3:43 pm) and lands in Bregenz (Railway station) at 17:00 (5:00 pm). Flight duration is 1 hours 17 minutes. The same physical flight is marketed by other airlines: Lufthansa LH3574.

Option #3

Flight Zurich - Bregenz

Swiss International Air Lines international flight LX9110 leaves Zurich at 19:43 (7:43 pm) and lands in Bregenz (Railway station) at 21:00 (9:00 pm). Flight duration is 1 hours 17 minutes. The same physical flight is marketed by other airlines: Lufthansa LH3582.

Option #4

Flight Zurich - Bregenz

Swiss International Air Lines international flight LX9106 leaves Zurich at 13:43 (1:43 pm) and lands in Bregenz (Railway station) at 15:00 (3:00 pm). Flight duration is 1 hours 17 minutes. The same physical flight is marketed by other airlines: Lufthansa LH3578.

Option #5

Flight Zurich - Bregenz

Swiss International Air Lines international flight LX9104 leaves Zurich at 11:43 (11:43 am) and lands in Bregenz (Railway station) at 13:00 (1:00 pm). Flight duration is 1 hours 17 minutes. The same physical flight is marketed by other airlines: Lufthansa LH3576.

Option #6

Flight Zurich - Bregenz

Swiss International Air Lines international flight LX9102 leaves Zurich at 09:43 (9:43 am) and lands in Bregenz (Railway station) at 11:00 (11:00 am). Flight duration is 1 hours 17 minutes. The same physical flight is marketed by other airlines: Lufthansa LH3572.

Option #7

Flight Zurich - Bregenz

Swiss International Air Lines international flight LX9100 leaves Zurich at 07:43 (7:43 am) and lands in Bregenz (Railway station) at 09:00 (9:00 am). Flight duration is 1 hours 17 minutes. The same physical flight is marketed by other airlines: Lufthansa LH3570.

Available departure days

Select departure date to find flight connections between Zurich and Bregenz. Note that other flight options may be available for different date.

See also

Return flights (Bregenz to Zurich)

More flight connections

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