Non-stop flights Rio de Janeiro to Porto Alegre (GIG POA)

There are nine flights available between Rio de Janeiro, Galeao and Porto Alegre, Salgado Filho on 8th May, 2024. Average flight duration is 2 hours 9 minutes.

Flights departing on Wednesday, 8th May

Departure time Arrival time Flight number Airline
05:45 (5:45 am) 07:50 (7:50 am) AD4439 Azul Brazilian Airlines
07:10 (7:10 am) 09:25 (9:25 am) LA3962 LATAM Airlines Group
08:25 (8:25 am) 10:40 (10:40 am) G32078 GOL Airlines
10:40 (10:40 am) 12:50 (12:50 pm) G32020 GOL Airlines
11:40 (11:40 am) 13:45 (1:45 pm) AD4679 Azul Brazilian Airlines
17:50 (5:50 pm) 20:00 (8:00 pm) G32086 GOL Airlines
18:30 (6:30 pm) 20:40 (8:40 pm) LA3602 LATAM Airlines Group
21:35 (9:35 pm) 23:40 (11:40 pm) AD4248 Azul Brazilian Airlines
21:55 (9:55 pm) Next day 00:05 (0:05 am) G31824 GOL Airlines
Flight route from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) to Porto Alegre (Brazil)

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See also

Return flights (Porto Alegre to Rio de Janeiro)

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