Non-stop flights Chicago to Cedar Rapids (ORD CID)

There are eight flights available between Chicago, Chicago O'Hare and Cedar Rapids, The Eastern Iowa on 10th May, 2024. Average flight duration is 1 hours 11 minutes.

Flights departing on Friday, 10th May

Departure time Arrival time Flight number Airline
09:30 (9:30 am) 10:49 (10:49 am) UA5500 United Airlines
09:55 (9:55 am) 11:01 (11:01 am) AA3218 American Airlines
13:13 (1:13 pm) 14:28 (2:28 pm) UA5354 United Airlines
13:24 (1:24 pm) 14:31 (2:31 pm) AA5997 American Airlines
15:40 (3:40 pm) 16:52 (4:52 pm) UA5524 United Airlines
15:51 (3:51 pm) 16:57 (4:57 pm) AA3418 American Airlines
20:20 (8:20 pm) 21:31 (9:31 pm) UA2296 United Airlines
20:41 (8:41 pm) 21:56 (9:56 pm) AA3425 American Airlines
Flight route from Chicago (United States) to Cedar Rapids (United States)

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See also

Return flights (Cedar Rapids to Chicago)

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